Update 4-24-20 via @sean.burns.recovery
Good news and bad news:
Good news is that we have a few more sick prizes to add to the Sean Burns benefit raffle. Bad news is that we are going to postpone the drawing for another couple of weeks. This whole COVID-19 mess has international shipping all over the place and a lot of people who ordered shirts or stickers, still haven’t received them yet. Check back here on May 8th for an update. Maybe we’ll even get a few more prizes added to the pot before then.
Also, wanna take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for contributing to the recovery fund. The response has been amazing and it’s incredible to see the BMX community coming together to help one of their own. Much love.
We have decided to postpone the Sean Burns benefit raffle ticket drawing until Friday, April 24th.
The reason being is that we’re getting complaints from people who haven’t gotten their tickets yet. Although, that doesn’t matter – there is no time limit on the raffle. When the winning tickets numbers are posted just compare your ticket numbers when you get them. No one else can claim a winning ticket except the ticket holder and the prizes will be held until someone claims them.
Plus, we will be posting a few more prizes before the drawing happens.
Winning ticket numbers will be posted here under Recent Posts and also on Instagrams @anthem.bmx, @sean.burns.recovery & @realpropsbmx.
Good luck to everyone.
Ripping. Sean Burns is one of the craziest riders yet conversely mellow as and insanely cool cat. I hope this gets some mad coin for Sean. There’s also a worldwide bike raffle in the makings (based in Canada) all proceeds also to Sean’s go-fund-me. Check @wastedlifecycles for more deets. Viva La Burns!