During the process of creating the Props Box Set we went through every single video and cataloged everything – including the timecode locations of all sections and commercials. Then we put together a searchable spreadsheet database with all this data. Boom.
For example, let’s say you’re looking for the Colin Winkelmann interview but don’t know the Issue number it was in. No problem. Just search Colin’s name to find the Issue number and timecode, then fire it up on your Blu-ray player accordingly. Looking for the Bulldog Bikes ads to re-live their worldwide glory days, just search the database and enjoy the show.
Huge shout out to Jerrod Glasgow for spending months slaving away on this.
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10-17-2015 v1.0 initial release
Wow, this is really impressive. Thanks for all your hard work on this, and everything you guys do.
Is there anywhere I can buy Props Road Fools box set? I’m such a fan, I want hard copies. Watching Road Fools 1 and 2 on repeat right now.
Props Visual is synonymous with high quality documenting of all assets of BMX, which no other company can even come close to.
Thanks for all the great times you have given me.
Hey, when I was a young bmx rider I loved a tape that I watched all the time called props road fools 4. It had Cory nastasio and Taj Mahal among other riders as well as a great sound track. I would like to find a copy of that tape.